Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Way TV Ought to Be: Vintage Advertising from Classic TV Ads

Oh, it's a kitsch cavalcade out there on the internet and one of my favorite sites for quality time-wasting is Classic TV Ads, repository of vintage advertising from the dawn of television to the early 80s. Organized by subject matter, you can stroll down memory lane watching Pepsi ads from the 80s or Charlie ads from the 70s (I'll never get that jingle out of my head) or watch the dancing sticks of BeechNut gum as they put on a Busby Berkeley extravanganza. Of special delight are the commercials that feature 1950s homemakers as they struggle with the complexities of baking the perfect cake for their husbands or wrestle with the laundry, hosting Tupperware parties in their free time. Yes, TV commercials in the 50s had it all, militias of scotch tape despensers marching down miniature train set towns, dancing German stereotypes hawking Tareyton cigarettes, animated Mr. Clean adding sparkle to a housewife's windows, there's just no end to the fun.

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